Sunday, May 18, 2008

Quiet Rebellion

Ever wanted to get out?Just out, anywhere as long as it wasn't your own life.Just to find a road, any road and follow it till you find the scenes of your own life fading, just to be replaced by another's?To break free of the claustrophobic life that expects you to conform, or worse still, to conform to the rebels?Why is it that to rebel, all you need is a set of goth clothes and some mean attitude?Ever wondered why everyone turns up at a rock concert wearing black?If i turned up in hot pink,not that i would,not in pink anyway, but hypothetically, would i not be accepted?To rebel is to go against the conforms of society, but what kind of rebellion is it if we merely conform to a different set of rules?
In college, most people follow an unspoken rule.Must love death metal,must hate authority...
A rebel, if there is one, is lost in the crowd of a million, all conforming to "rebel hood".Probably a person who follows convention may be looked upon as a rebel in these days, our days ,a generation lost to the charms of rebellion but unsure of our reasons.

1 comment:

Express said...

Haha! yes.

But in certain ways I fail to agree with the post.

But the tinge of anger did its job,
well written!
