Thursday, August 28, 2008

Is it possible to be interested in several things but unable to dedicate to one?Is it possible to be an atheist and still seek faith? Is it possible for a book, a line, a word to affect you so profoundly, you'll never be the same again?Is it possible to respect a person you despise?Can a person be able to survive in this world and not lose humanity?Is it possible to be shocked at kids today and want to adopt a dog instead?Does that make me less of who i am?
Is it possible to want something you know nothing of?Is it strange that a city bred person yearns for the country but know she'll never live there?is it possible to feel lonely in a crowd?Is it possible to have a lot of friends but consider yourself a loner?Is it antisocial to feel happiest when you are alone with your books, your music,your thoughts?Can you feel the notes hanging in the air, whispering to you, when a beautiful piece of music plays?Isn't rock more profound than just angst?Can a person leave everything behind and start afresh?
How is it that when man is evil, he's called an animal and when he's good, he's called a saint?What does one have to do just to be called a human being?Why is there religion to separate us?Who drew the lines on maps?Why do we allow other people to decide our destiny?
If all this worries you too, welcome to my world!